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Early Bird Special Deadline - April 21,2025

Session 1: June 30 - July 11 · Session 2: July 14 - July 25

Ages: 3-9 years old

Info Sessions

Come join us for this free info session to learn all about Cumbe’s Dance, Drum, and Imagination Camp! We’ll describe our approach to stimulating our campers’ imagination through an immersion in the cultures of Africa and its diaspora, share highlights and pictures from previous years, and explain how the camp runs, including camp logistics such as pricing and what a normal day will look like for our campers. We’ll share more information about the themes and activities for camp and close out the session with a fun, Creative Movement or drumming activity. We can't wait to see you there!

Register for one of our info session HERE.

Info Session dates will take place on the following Saturdays, 11-12pm:

  • April 5 - Online

  • May 3 - Online

Cumbe Dance, Drum, Imagination Summer Camp has two incredible sessions for children ages 3-9 years old to participate in.

  • Session 1: June 30 - July 11

  • Session 2: July 14 - July 25

Learn more and register below.

Session 1:

Superheros and Supersheros:

Black Panther, Storm, Spiderverse.

Inspired by Black Panther, Storm, the Spider-Verse and other s/heroes in popular culture, campers will explore what it means to be a superhero and supershero! What are super-powers? How should we use them? Through imagination-filled movement, exuberant dance, dynamic drumming and magical crafts, campers will create their own super-powers and super-s/heroes! The session will culminate in an exciting show where students will showcase all they have learned, bringing their superhero creations to life!

June 30 - July 11

Session 2:

Africa Africa All Around!!!

How the rhythms of Africa have inspired music throughout the world.

July 14 - July 25

The ultimate imagination experience! Inspired by African and Diasporic traditions, campers will harness their imaginations to craft a future filled with beauty and wisdom we all want to live in! This theme shines a spotlight on imagination and is an incredible space for campers to blend traditional and modern dances and music.

About Summer Camp

In Cumbe’s Dance, Drum & Imagination Summer Camp, students ages 3 to 9 will unleash their imagination, express themselves creatively and learn about the diverse world of dance and music with roots reaching back to Africa.  

Camp Director Aja-Nicole Hope — along with Cumbe’s exceptional teaching artists — will lead Sessions 1 and 2, shepherding campers in daily activities including dancing, singing, drumming, tumbling, visual arts (including mask and costume making), and curriculum-based outdoor playtime. At the end of each session, campers will produce a sharing for friends and family showcasing their work.

  • Free Early Drop-off - 8:30am (early drop off is allowed no earlier than 8:30am)

    Regular Camp Hours - 9am-3pm

    Extended Day - 3pm-6pm (additional fee for extended day, please refer to pricing info for more details)


    Single Session Rate: $1080

    Single Session Rate - Sibling: $1056

    Single Session Rate - Returning Camper: $1056

    Single Session Rate - Sibling and Returning Camper: $1020

    Multiple Session Rate: $1056 per session

    Multiple Session Rate - Sibling: $1032 per session, per camper

    Multiple Session Rate - Returning Camper: $1032

    Multiple Session Rate - Sibling and Returning Camper: $996


    Single Session Rate: $1200

    Single Session Rate - Sibling: $1080

    Single Session Rate - Returning Camper: $1080

    Single Session Rate - Sibling and Returning Camper: $1056 per camper

    Multiple Session Rate: $1104 per session

    Multiple Session Rate - Sibling: $1056 per session, per camper

    Multiple Session Rate - Returning Camper: $1056 per session

    Multiple Session Rate - Sibling and Returning Camper: $1032 per session, per camper


    Extended day (per day) - $45

    Extended day (4-day week) - $132

    Extended day (5-day week) - $165

  • Registering for a single session? – Select the "Single Session" pricing option with the applicable discounts.

    Registering for more than one session? – Register for one session at a time. Each time, select the “Multiple Session” pricing option with the applicable discounts. At the shopping car, select ‘Continue Shopping’ to add another session.

    Registering more than one child? – Register one child at a time. At the shopping cart, select ‘Continue Shopping’ to register the next child

    If you have any questions, please email with your preferred availability to receive a call.

About Our Camp Director

Aja-Nicole Hope is our Curriculum Coordinator and the Camp Director for Cumbe’s Dance, Drum & Imagination Summer Camp. Aja has been dancing since the age of three and is trained in West African, Modern, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Ballet, Pointe, Lyrical, and Salsa, among other dance styles. She has taught youth dance classes at the Fresh Air Fund and YMCA summer camps. She spent two years in Ifetayo’s Youth Ensemble, where her disciplines were Modern and African Dance, and she had the opportunity to study under the great Marie Basse-Wiles. Aja-Nicole has her Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and is currently teaching at a Montessori Preschool.