Since our inception Cumbe has been committed to perpetuating Katherine Dunham’s legacy and contribution to the Arts and Humanities through classes, interviews with her legacy carriers, special programming and raising awareness via social media. We strive to:

  • Nurture a new generation of Dunham practitioners to carry the legacy in their dancing bodies and pass it along to those who come next.

  • To teach recreational dancers the value of Dunham Technique so they gain palpable improvement in their African Diasporic dance classes and their health & fitness.

  • Work with our Teaching Artist to continue making  the connection between Dunham Technique and the traditional and contemporary  forms of African Diasporic classes offered at Cumbe.

  • Through our commitment to champion Dunham Technique, Cumbe seeks to be an institution at the meeting point of arts, academia and culture in service to the community.

About Dunham at Cumbé

Classes we offer: